Home / Online Education / Ten Things You Can Do After Graduating College July 29, 2022 Ten Things You Can Do After Graduating College By B&SC Blog Team If you’re close to completing your college degree, then you understand that ready-to-launch feeling. One day you’re excited to find out what your career path holds and the next you feel sick with dread over that same proposition. But, in reality, there’s no reason to panic. Just because you’re leaving the hallowed halls of learning behind, there’s no need to rush into the first job that recruits you or stress over landing your dream job. At Bryant & Stratton College, we can think of at least 10 solid options for college graduates who aren’t exactly sure where the road beyond graduation leads. Each one looks great on a resume, and each will benefit you in your future endeavors. 1. Consider moving to a new job market This option is especially beneficial for recent college grads who live in rural or job-sparse regions. Fewer employers mean limited opportunities, which usually translates into smaller annual salaries. If you’ve just invested years of your life and thousands of dollars in attending graduate school, you deserve a full-time job that’s enjoyable and personally fulfilling. In other words, it may be time to forgo the comfort and convenience of your small town in exchange for independence and the big-city job of your dreams. 2. Start your own business Not ready to work for someone else? Entrepreneurship is always an option. Your college degree could act as collateral on a small business loan to get you started. And if it doesn’t work out or if you change your mind a year or two later, the experience of owning and operating a small business will help you gain invaluable soft skills future employers will love, including: Delegation Communication Leadership Knowledge of technology Marketing prowess Customer service Owning your own business is a totally immersive way to build upon and improve the skills you already possess. 3. Take a continuing education class If your college major left little time for business training, you might consider taking a continuing education class or two in business management, finance, or IT. You’ve already cultivated the skills you need to be successful in your field of study. A class in accounting or managing people will only complement those skills, and they’ll look terrific on your resume. 4. Volunteer Employers love extracurriculars, and volunteer work is a biggie. According to Fortune, 82 percent of employers prefer applicants who can show volunteer experience. It not only gives you valuable soft skills, but it shows you care about your community, as well. In fact, volunteering has multiple benefits: It helps others. It widens your professional network. It can improve your skills in areas such as customer service, health, care-giving, and environmental awareness. It may help you realize where your true passion lies. It’s a great way to fill gaps in your employment history. It makes you feel good. If you volunteer in an area relevant to your degree, you’ll gain valuable life experience, too. And when you’re ready to apply for a full-time job, this experience could move you to the top of the applicant pile. 5. Consider an internship Internships used to be unpaid, unappreciated positions that left interns feeling less-than-fulfilled. In many industries, however, this is no longer the norm. At the National Security Administration, or NSA, for example, interns enjoy several benefits, including: Competitive pay Paid time off Reimbursement for travel expenses Holiday pay Sick leave Housing assistance Mentorship programs It also goes without saying that an internship can lead to a full-time job if the conditions are right. So maybe your next step after college should include looking at internships as ways to narrow down your career path. 6. Invest in your passion Is there something you love to do in your spare time but could never indulge because you were too busy earning your degree? Maybe now is the time to invest a little time and energy into doing those things you love best. Whether you’re drawn to photography, gardening, or creating digital art, hobbies can help you develop marketable skills you can use later. 7. Work a seasonal job Do you just need a little something to tide you over while you cement your plans for the future? Taking on a seasonal position is always an option. As a result, you’ll be gaining valuable work skills and experience that look good on your resume. Consider jobs with the National Park Service, your local Department of Public Works, or within your city government. 8. Work an on-campus position You won’t be eligible for work-study assignments upon graduation, but that’s not to say you can’t take a part-time or full-time job on-campus. Campus jobs are good stepping stones to use along your career path. You may decide you enjoy working in an academic atmosphere, or you may decide to use a job on-campus as a transitional tool until you’ve decided what comes next. 9. Become an apprentice Apprenticeships are similar to internships in that they teach you valuable work skills and life experience. They also allow you to work alongside established professionals in your field. Pay and benefits are usually not as attractive, but you’ll still be gaining valuable experience and working toward a solid goal. 10. Find an entry-level job There’s nothing wrong with getting in at the ground floor, especially if it’s an easy foot-in-the-door at the company you dream of running one day. Plenty of CEOs have started out in the proverbial mailroom. This way, you can learn the business from the ground up. At Bryant & Stratton, you can personalize your college experience to fit your lifestyle and objectives, and we’ll support you every step of the way. Call today for admission information, or visit us in person for a tour at one of our many scenic campus locations. Related News 14 Top Tips for Taking Online Classes Online college programs are becoming increasingly common and are especially popular with busy adults. Here are 14 strategies for online schooling success. 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