July 10, 2019
Jumpstart Your Accounting Career with a Bachelor's Degree from Bryant & Stratton College
By B&SC Blog Team
Are you ready to jumpstart your career by returning to school and obtaining a degree? You might want to turn your sights towards a BBA in Accounting. When students complete their degree in accounting at Bryant & Stratton College, it’s about more than just the numbers. In addition to learning the fundamentals of accounting, our graduates are also provided with a solid business foundation, having completed courses including management, marketing, strategic planning, and business law. Our accounting students are also required to take courses in business-related computer applications, teaching them to analyze business data, communicate the results, and solve technology challenges. Combined, these skills provide the perfect launch pad for adults who are ready take their career to the next level.
Here are some of the ways a BBA in Accounting from Bryant & Stratton College will help advance you on your accountant career path:
Job Versatility
According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics (PDF), the average American holds 11.3 jobs between the ages of 18 and 46. This means students need to be prepared to work in a variety of environments. Your accounting degree will provide a tremendous amount of versatility. Every business is designed to turn a profit and it takes a solid accounting department in order to make that happen. A BBA in Accounting will allow you to work in virtually any industry as a bookkeeper, auditor, accountant, tax preparer, budget analyst, financial manager, and more. You may be the sole accountant for a small business or the manager of a large accounting department for a multi-national corporation. Either way, your accounting degree will provide the foundation you need to increase your earning potential and climb the career ladder. There are many jobs you can get with an accounting degree.
Increased Earning Potential
Statistics show that adults who have a college education earn more, and are unemployed less often, than individuals with a high school diploma. While a few Quickbooks computer courses or an AA in accounting may be all you need to obtain a ground-level accounting or bookkeeping position, what happens when you are ready to take your job to the next level? The BLS Occupational Handbook states that most businesses require accountants and auditors to have a BA in Accounting or a related field. Your employer may expect you to continue your education if you want to increase your earning potential via promotions. The more education and job experience you have, the greater your lifetime earning potential.
Be Your Own Boss
Have you always wanted to own your own business? While experience and/or a great idea is important, you will also need capital. Your BBA in Accounting will show prospective investors that you have the basic business and financial know-how required to understand the bottom line. It will lend you a certain amount of credibility that, paired with your experience and acumen, can help you secure the loans you’ll need. Once your business is up and running, your accounting degree will provide a wealth of information to draw from as you begin to make the decisions that will determine the future of your business.
Are you ready to jumpstart your career by obtaining a BBA in Accounting or a related field? Contact the Admissions Office at Bryant & Stratton College. Our accounting department provides a supportive environment where returning students can achieve their academic goals.
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