Home / College Life / Surviving and Thriving in the New Year May 27, 2022 Surviving and Thriving in the New Year By B&SC Blog Team The new year is here and many are excited for a fresh start and hope of things to come. However, finding ways to thrive and not just survive in the new year can be difficult. Follow these tips below to have a successful start to 2022. Conduct A Yearly Review Can you really start fresh without reevaluating the past? It’s important you don’t dwell on what went wrong, but instead think of all the things that went right. What did you accomplish in 2021? Remember how you felt after accomplishing that task that took you longer than it should have? Or after you paid off your car, organized your room, or finished that book that took you months to read? Even your small accomplishments matter. It’s also important to remember what made you happy this last year. Was it that extra time set aside for date night? Or was it your weekly day of relaxation on Sundays? Whatever made you happy, take note of that and carry it into the new year. It’s also helpful to think of things you’d want more time for. This could help you manage your time better and help you leave more time for the things that matter most to you. Even if it’s leaving yourself more time for working out, or more family time during the week, all of these can bring you more happiness. Is there anything you’d like to change coming out of the past year? 2022 can be the perfect opportunity for you to fix the things you regret or help you avoid doing something again in the future. Recapping your past year is a great opportunity to realize what you want to change or what you want to keep doing. Ask these questions about all the important areas of your life, such as family, relationships, finances, your career, home, etc. These questions will help you appreciate all you’ve accomplished in the previous year, and you can use this information to start the new year off right and set better goals moving forward. Finish the Unfinished Is there anything you wanted to get done by the end of the year that you never got to completing? Are there any unpaid bills or projects you never got to or didn’t finish? You can’t start completely fresh in the new year without finishing these unfinished tasks first. Take another look at your to-do list and see what’s left. Start with the household chores you never got to or finish up your DIY project that got pushed to the back of your mind. No matter if these tasks are big or small, they can affect you starting off on the right foot in the new year. Unfinished tasks can tend to weigh on our minds, and people will spend hours thinking about something that will only take 10 minutes to take care of. Cross those things off your list and give yourself a fresh start. Finishing these tasks that weren’t in the front of your mind in 2021 will help you have a clear mind in 2022. Look to What’s Next After looking back at your past year and completing all your to-dos, it’s time to think about what’s next. Focus in on what you want in the next year. What’s next for you in the upcoming year? Make a list of goals for the year Put together a list of goals you have for the new year. This is a great way to prioritize the things you’re trying to accomplish and keeps those priorities in order so that you get what you want. Invest in a planner Buying a planner will let you plan out days and weeks ahead of time. Not only will this help you plan out when you hope to meet your goals, but it keeps you from overlooking other priorities along the way. Focus on the process We often think about our end goal and not what we have to do to get there. Sometimes when we are stuck in a rut, we think we can’t do or have what we really want unless we have more time or money to achieve our goal. Challenge that concept and dig to find those things that you really want and aim to pursue them in the upcoming year with achievable goals along the way. Put Yourself First Taking time for yourself and striving to reach your own goals will help you be a better friend, family member and person in the community overall. Be sure to make time for yourself each day to work toward your goals, or to attain the lifestyle you want. This includes study time! Make sure you’re finding the right balance between school work, responsibilities at home, your job and your hobbies. You don’t want to take on too much of one thing and burn yourself out. The old saying is true, we can’t help others until we help ourselves. You cannot obtain what you want until you put your wishes and interests first. You will also be able to prioritize the needs of others better after you fulfill your own needs. Get the most out of your year ahead by putting yourself and your goals first. There is so much to look forward to in the new year, don’t let anything get in your way.