September 25, 2018
A Day in the Life of a Medical Administrative Assistant
By B&SC Blog Team
American Association of Medical Assistants, MAAs work full-time, which means many employers offer competitive insurance and retirement packages. Currently, the estimated job growth statistics for the next ten years is 12%.
The Bottom Line: Working as a Medical Administrative Assistant is a rewarding profession, allowing individuals to experience multiple arenas of the health care industry throughout their tenure. If you’re wondering where medical administrative assistants can work, the answer is pretty much anywhere administrative help is needed. Because most jobs occur in medical offices, MAAs usually enjoy weekends and nights off and do not have to take their work home with them. It is significantly less stressful than other clinical health care professions yet provides a way to be a part of a team dedicated to helping and healing others.
In some cases, MAAs opt to continue their education in order to train as medical transcriptionists, medical billing and coding professionals, or medical and health services managers. Contact Bryant & Stratton for more information regarding a career as a Medical Administrative Assistant.
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