Businessman in a blue suit working at a desk with a computer and paper documents, pen in hand, in an office setting.
Businessman in a blue suit working at a desk with a computer and paper documents, pen in hand, in an office setting.



Accounting Certificate

Accounting is a lot more than just crunching numbers. Through our Accounting certificate program from Continuing Education at Bryant & Stratton College, you will learn about accounting principles and practices that can help you look at data and find patterns as well as make projections that help your clients or company make smart financial choices. Whether you’re taking the first step in your career or looking to add new skills to your existing experience, we’ve got you covered.

Program Highlights

  • Accounting cycle
  • Financial statement preparation
  • Payroll and cash control
  • Receivable and payables
  • Federal income tax preparation (individuals and businesses)
  • Valuation of plant and equipment
  • Overview of basic partnership and corporate transactions
  • Fundamental business principles

Completed courses from the Accounting certificate program can be transferred for course credit in a corresponding Bryant & Stratton College degree program.

Accounting Certificate Courses

The Accounting Certificate program at Bryant & Stratton College consists of four basic accounting courses that focus on key skills for accounting careers. Courses in Accounting Principles I and II will combine with the study of Income Tax Accounting to provide students with a foundation of key accounting skills that will translate directly to the workplace.

Take the Next Step

Contact us to learn more about our licensing, certification, and academic training programs.

Expand Your Credentials

Enhance your career with Bryant & Stratton College’s Continuing Education programs, offering essential licensing, certification, and training for today’s job market.